Winter Mental Health Retreat

Since school started, a lot of problems have been arising within the student community. Some are dealing with a rigorous school curriculum while others are stressed about college applications. The Winter Mental Health Retreat was organized with the purpose of creating a chance for participants to bond with each other and refresh their minds from the mental health issues stemming from their past and daily lives.  

  • Timeline: November 2021 – December 2021
  • Key Leads: Erica Shin, Liem Nguyen, and Nathan Le
  • Goal: This retreat empowers participants to focus more on the relationships they have with themselves and others, while also allowing opportunities for all the members to build new connections and reinforce current ones. It will also give the participants a chance to talk about their struggles and past experiences with obstacles. 
  • How: Via activities such as group discussion, letter burning, spa/self-care session, positive affirmations notes, hiking, bonfire & s’mores, cooking contest, game night, and white elephant, participants will have a relaxed, fun time while bonding with others. 
  • Result-To-Date: The 12 participants came back from the retreat with more understanding about their mental health status and what to do with it. They felt really happy for having the opportunities to listen and open up to each other at the retreat. 

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