Read for Needs

Student Deanna Morgan takes a stab at organizing an online tutoring program, which aims to support the Spanish-speaking community.

Please see below for her letter and project scope:

“My name is Deanna Morgan. I’m 16 years old, and I am a girl scout with the Nation’s Capital, troop 5153. Additionally, I am a new student at AASuccess. When I was little, I attended Rose Hill and became fluent in Spanish due to the Immersion program there. However, throughout my years at Rose Hill, I realized that many students in the Immersion program immigrated to the U.S and knew little to no English. They had a hard time learning in school, making friends, and speaking English to others.

This year, I have been currently working on gaining my Gold award which is the highest rank in girls scouts. For my Gold project, I decided that I wanted to help migrant children who only speak Spanish read and translate a book into English.

I would gather friends and volunteers who are taking Spanish in school or are native speakers to help tutor the children on Google Meets. My program will be three to four weeks on the weekend so that the kids can grasp the content fully. At the end of my program, the students will be able to analyze and comprehend the book in English.

In order to complete my project, I need native speaking students who like to learn English; they must range from the ages of 10 to 12. Attached below is a sign-up form if you know anyone in need of tutoring. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you. Be safe and stay healthy!”

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