The AI&ML Scholarship program hopes to teach high school students AI&ML learning through an exciting platform that encourages learning through modules and friendly competitions.
- Timeline:
- Preseason: 4/1 – 5/31/23
- Application starts: 6/1/23
- Application ends: 9/20/23
- Key Members: Rashi Adhikari
- Goal: Teaching underrepresented and underprivileged high schoolers about Machine Learning through AWS DeepRacer and allowing them to apply for an AWS scholarship.
- How: Student will (1) finish prerequisite courses before the application starts; (2) Apply to the AI&ML Scholarship between June and September; and (3) Explore a new STEM field and potential career opportunity
- The sign-up form is linked here: https://student.deepracer.com/signUp
- Learn more about the scholarship here: https://aws.amazon.com/machine-learning/scholarship/
- Result-To-Date: Finish the prep work to launch the program on March 9, 2023.
- How to Help: We need your help to gather volunteers interested in Python and Machine learning who are willing to go through the DeepRacer course with the students and help them complete the pre-scholarship tasks needed to apply for the scholarship. Volunteers will need to create a free account on the website and be expected to complete certain lessons before each workshop meeting. After the scholarship application opens, volunteers will help students apply and complete any necessary steps to learning more about AI&ML!