In 2012, a team of AASuccess students coordinated a Public Health Fair with support from the Vietnamese Medical Society of North East America (VMSNA) and the Fairfax County Health Department. During the event, free medical assistance and health education were provided to more than 400 Asian American families in NOVA.
On August 8th, 2012, it was a busy day for many, as AASuccess members and many honorable volunteers gathered for the 2012 Public Health Fair. In past years, the majority of Health Fair participants were Vietnamese; AASuccess worked to expand their horizons in 2012 by reaching out to more people and volunteers of other ethnicities. The site of the event was crowded with medical professionals, volunteers, and visitors. Specifically, there were 3 Internal Physicians, 1 OB/GYN Physician, 1 Naturopathic Physician, and 2 Chiropractors. Additionally, four Medical Collaborating Groups attended the event: Walgreens, LabCorp, Annandale Lions Club, and Hepatitis B Initiative of Washington, D.C. Thanks to their much-appreciated work and free screenings, many people had the opportunity to receive valuable medical advice and learned about preventative care measures to protect their health. Other than clinical stations, other doctors and experts hosted health promotion programs on various topics.
Ms. Soo Yee discussed her experience with conducting the Health Fair as an advisor
The event was deemed a success, and many people left with new knowledge and a meaningful experience. The 2012 Health Fair was a big step for AASuccess as an organization, demonstrating impactful work and a promising future. In 2013 and 2017, AASuccess held additional Wellness Events, providing the community access to medical professionals and offering the students an opportunity to plan an event bigger and better than before!