The 2024 YouthCon Scholarship allows innovative high school students living in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area with ideas to be actively involved with philanthropic work to make a difference in neighborhoods, with the support of AASuccess. We award innovative and driven students with the mindsets of giving back, and those seeking to strengthen their skills such as writing, presentation, and leadership.
- Timeline:
- 2/01/23: 2024 YouthCon officially launched
- 01/13/24: Essay and online application closes
- 02/03/24: Release essay results
- 03/02/24: Oral presentation
- 03/09/24: Release final results
- 04 – 07/24: Summer internship
- 08/03/24: YouthCon Award Ceremony
- Key Leads: Nathan Le, Marvin Pham, McKenzie Tran, Aashee Balani
- Goal: Encourage high school students to create a unique project based on an issue that is important to them. We also want them to take physical action to solve their desired issue along with bringing awareness.
- How: Submit a 500-650 word essay in response to the following prompt: “As new technology reshapes our world, being able to utilize the resources around us and embrace the unknown is crucial as we step into the future. For this year’s YouthCon scholarship theme, we challenge students to share their visions on how they can creatively use AI to pursue their passions and make an impact on their community. How can you, as an individual, use $300 to embrace the unknown and harness the power of modern technology (AI, sensor devices, robotics, computer science, etc) to develop an impactful community project?”
1ST PLACE: Laura Zhang, 12th, Thomas Jefferson HS
Inspire young girls to pursue a career in STEM through a free, week-long math summer camp for local middle school girls. Unlike traditional math programs, this camp’s learning experience will center around mathematical animations and simulations. Utilizing Python animation engine Manim, girls will learn to transform abstract math ideas into visualizations, from animated trigonometric function manipulations to geometrical representations of probability. Ultimately, this camp will leverage computer science to make math education more accessible and engaging.
2ND PLACE: Samuel Indyk, 12th, WT Woodson HS
Combine GPS location trackers in drivers’ cars and phones with AI technology to create a system where traffic patterns can be analyzed and monitored in real time and then connected to the traffic light system. With this system, drivers can gain access to traffic light countdowns, have better traffic prediction, and enjoy lower traffic wait times.
3RD PLACE: Myla Leung, 11th, Winston Churchill HS
Integrate AI detection models to create a website for meal recommendations that schools can use to provide nutritious, plant-based meals for their students. This website will provide suggestions for schools on nutritional areas they need to improve. Schools will also have the opportunity to enter their budget or any diet restrictions for these meals, and the AI will consider these factors and generate plant-based meal ideas tailored towards these schools. This project will provide students with healthier, plant-based food options.
Thank you to everyone who applied to YouthCon 2024! We greatly appreciate your time and effort and strongly encourage you to apply again next year!